Friday, May 4, 2012

Storyboarding. What, When, Why?

To storyboard you need to things: a story, and a board. Pretty self explanatory isn't it? Okay, maybe you can get away without the board, but its still a basic concept. You have a story and you take pictures, videos, words, anything really, and you line them up in a way to tell the story. Ultimately story-boarding is an organization tool. A sort of pre-edit if you will.

Now when I think of story-boarding I think of movies where directors and such take drawings of scenes and ideas and then put them up on a real board. They can organize everything they want to shoot and pre-plan the sequential order of the scenes. But the greatest advantage to this pre-plan is how liquid story-boarding is. Say they start shooting but something just doesn't fit, or when the final edits are going through the story could be better arranged. Using that previous storyboard they can move ideas around so that the story is better told.

But what does a storyboard look like? When I see a storyboard in my mind its a blown up comic strip; all Kabooms and Kapows! A nice example of this is on a page I found on the omnipotent Google. This page shows a basic storyboard the graphics, the cut lines about what the story is telling, and the order the scenes should be shot.

Save yourself some time, energy, and MONEY. Use a storyboard.

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