Thursday, May 10, 2012


In a few weeks its finals again. Yay! Okay, that's a lie, no yay. I have never understood the necessity of a final test, final project, or any other final anything. I think my work throughout ten weeks shows my understanding of different mediums or subject matter much better than one single ending thing. But hey, its life.

So, I think for my final, my first idea would be to create a video about the smell in Marysville or surrounding area I suppose. More specifically how the god awful smell is affecting the citizens of the town. I know their is quite a bit of technical information and people have a number they can call every time they smell it, but I want to see a ground view video of actual citizens dealing with a noxious odor in their daily lives.  Can they function normally, can they picnic or BBQ, do they wear bio-chemical filtering gas masks when they leave the sanctity of their homes? A real person to person video would, I feel, bring the issue in tighter to the community and people would be heard better.

Another idea I had would be to interview some people who are transplants to Marysville. I mean in the sense of actually moving to the city or having grown up with family that moved to the city. I want to know what they feel are pros, cons, and any feeling towards living here. I know for myself personally it was a big change and I want to find out if others share a view point with me, or another transplant. Who knows we could start a club.

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