Friday, June 8, 2012

Final Blog

Wow, have I been behind on my blogging. I think I've missed two or three posts. These last couple weeks have just been hectic although I know I am not the only person who has been feeling it. But hey, transitions just have to take place in life to grow as a person.

So lets discuss transitions, specifically what transitions I have faced with Multimedia Journalism. First off, this was my first journalism course ever. Pretty exciting right? I knew very little about journalism coming into this class-by little I mean nothing. I think any preconceived notion I had was thrown out by taking this class. I am still on the fence if that is a positive or negative. But if all of my preconceived notions were thrown out that means I learned something right? Looking directly at that fence on one side the word struggle has made its home.

By struggle I mean adapting, and adapting is sometimes harder than evolving. I think I adapted, maybe not like a chameleon, effortlessly changing color. Maybe more like a rhino putting on a dress and dancing ballet, but if a bear can roller blade whose says rhinos cant pirouette in a sparkly too too. <That has nothing to do with anything, see I did learn something. Stick to the story!> Anyways, my hardest adaptation was deadlines. Not necessarily deadlines per say more like time constraints. I frankly felt rushed. Which I think is a probably a huge part of journalistic practice, but that is why I'm not a journalist. I perceive myself more as a novelist. For me journalistic writing seems like living paycheck to paycheck while a novel is sort of like an investment. I would rather spend ten years delving into a story and choke-holding every little detail out of it, so my readers feel overwhelmingly informed. But investments take a lot of time and money. Journalists just don't have that time. Journalists have to get to the next story to get paid, keep working, and eat. I understand I just struggled. I've always struggled with being concise.

On the opposite side of the fence a little learning bug nested. I learned to bash a Mac until it responded to my needs. I learned that I can tell a story with images other than words. And I learned that I'm not terrible at editing sounds and video. All in all learning is a lot of fun and if I get a chance outside of school to do more things like editing I would probably enjoy it immensely. I more than likely wont take another journalism class. Unfortunately, it just doesn't ignite a passion for me, maybe Ill just write a book.

To finish off this class the biggest thing I learned is to transition and be patient. I don't have time to rush. While others don't have time to slow down. For me slowing down is a necessity not a luxury. I'll be taking fall quarter off so I can transition again and reevaluate what I want for my education. A year and a half has flown by incredibly quick and sometimes we just have to take a step-back before jumping in again face first.